SADLY, we are the only charity helping our babies so your donations are literally life-saving. Your donations are 100% Guaranteed to help stop the severe pain and death of our babies. Click to view 100% PROOF UPDATES on selected children.
“PLEASE HELP ME. I need your help for my son to survive." -Baby John's Father
"The blister wound on his leg is the worst without any skin from his ribs all the way down to the tips of his toes."
The father’s depressed plea rang out. His son Baby John, not yet three days old, lay suffering in a bed with severely painful blisters and gaping wounds that threatened his very life. These were bloody blisters and wounds the father could neither heal nor stop from emerging on his son’s tiny face and body time and time again. Time was running out.
When Baby John was born, his parents learned he had rare EB Blistering Skin Disease. They had never heard of the disease. Now immersed in their own daily struggle and nightmare, they are all too familiar with the heartbreak that accompanies it: constant cries of pain, emerging blisters on the baby’s face, head, chest, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, and toes, a lack of weight gain due to bloody mouth, tongue and gum sores, and, reopened and bleeding wounds at every painful bandage change. And, for Baby John, the disease is getting worse every day.
"It's so painful to see as parents. I have to hold Baby John down so my weeping wife can change his bandages while we watch him bleed, hurt and cry. We feel helpless and numb."
The infant had been in the hospital three weeks in excruciating pain when the father’s desperate cry came to No Baby Blisters. Of critical concern was the huge wound on the child’s right leg that had no skin from the infant’s lower ribs to his toes. With no access to the type of ointments and advanced bandages that could temporarily help, the father was concerned for his son’s life. Every bandage changed tore more skin away enlarging the wound increasing the risk of death from infection and dehydration. The distraught father knew the danger this wound posed. He prayed for help.
That help came. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, No Baby Blisters was able to immediately send Baby John’s father the much-needed funds for ointments and advanced bandages that saved his son’s leg, which saved his very life!
But Baby John's battle for life is far from over. He lives trapped in special bandages in severe pain with the constant threat of infection, sepsis and death.
Baby John’s father said he is now in a waiting game—waiting to see what toll this disease will take on his son next. His blisters, pain, and skin loss continue putting his life at risk. His toes have fused together. At No Baby Blisters, we are working tirelessly, so that what comes next for Baby John and his family is a cure. Baby John and the other 500,000 children suffering from EB around the world deserve a life free of pain and full of hope.
“We are praying for a miracle because he's crying in pain. A cure is necessary for all babies suffering from EB’s cruel pain,” said Baby John’s father. "I will do everything possible to cure my son. I got a second job now working 16 hours a day to help pay the medical expenses. I'm looking forward to No Baby Blisters help and close interest in my son's pain relief and cure."
EB disease is terrifying. Please help any way that you can. Positive life-saving work is already being done with your help until we find a full-body cure. Let us continue to help Baby John and others like him. Finding a life-saving cure is urgent. Thank you for your compassionate, merciful donations.
Our God-given Mission is to save the sickest, most medically neglected suffering in severe pain with terminal diseases. Their lives depend on your loving donations.
If you can donate Monthly, it will help babies like John never run out of severe pain medicine, life-saving bandages, antibiotics, wound-healing nutrition, and medical care. Monthly donations will also provide critical funding to accelerate our expert, innovative medical research for a full-body cure for EB disease and other devastating diseases. Thank you for any help you can give!
Your donations are saving Ashley‘s life
Tell everyone hello and your name. Hi, I'm Ashley. What does EB Blistering Skin Disease do to your skin? EB causes my skin to blister off and it is very painful. What have the donations done for you? I always have bandages, medicine and food. Your donations make my pain less. What do you want to tell people that have donated to No Baby Blisters to save you and others? Thanks for donating to save my life. God bless you. Thanks again. Bye!
We invite you to become a recurring monthly donor now to make sure Ashley and thousands of other children NEVER run out of severe pain medicine, life-saving surgeries, bandages, medicines and therapeutic nutrition.
Your Donations Literally Saves Lives
This is the leg of Baby John. Your tax-deductible donations immediately sent him life-saving bandages and ointments to save his life until our experts can find a full-body cure for EB blistering skin disease. Right now there is no full-body cure for EB, so Baby John is still fighting for his life in severe pain. Your donation today will instantly accelerate our Fast Cure Plan research for this terrible disease. In severe cases, babies born with EB do not live to celebrate their first birthday. Together, we can change this. This difference in Baby John’s leg is dramatic — and we can do this more often and better with your help! Join us to find a full-body cure. And if you’ve ever wondered if your donation “makes a difference,” look at Baby John. It does! Other EB babies in pain are immediately waiting clean bandages, ointments, and a full-body cure – possible only because of your generous donations.
Your donations are saving Joyce's life
"Hi! I am Joyce. Thank you so much for recently donating to save my life and many other forgotten children suffering with EB Blistering Skin Disease, Hydrocephalus and Cancer. My disease is a painful and deadly disease. Your donation to No Baby Blisters helps me to never run out of bandages, antibiotics and special nutrition. Thank you again." -Joyce
We invite you to become a recurring monthly donor now to make sure Joyce and thousands of other children NEVER run out of severe pain medicine, life-saving surgeries, bandages, medicines and therapeutic nutrition.
EB is the Worst Disease You Have Never Seen
80% SKIN LOSS: Social media sadly blocks us from showing you the actual truth hidden underneath Lily's bandages. Lily has severely painful and very deep blisters on 80% of her body due to genetic EB Blistering Skin Disease. Friction or pressure causes blisters making a good hug dangerous and deadly. Her wounds fuse with her bandages causing every bandage change to be terribly painful and bloody. Bandage removal rips her skin causing so much crying and bleeding that Lily has to have regular blood transfusions. It is a very traumatic event for Lily and her mom. Lily is suffering every moment and fighting to survive. *Pictured is No Baby Blisters' spokesperson Baby Lily
What is EB? Learn in 60 Seconds.
EB babies suffer with blisters, skin loss, severe pain, and death.
In EB's most severe form, many babies don't live to celebrate their first birthday
EB (epidermolysis bullosa) is a genetic blistering skin disease that causes a baby’s skin to blister and peel off creating extreme pain and death in its most severe forms. EB is caused by a gene mutation that creates a very weak bond between the baby’s skin layers in the epidermis and dermis. Friction, pressure, and heat on the skin causes blisters and skin loss. Even a hug from mom or dad can cause life-threatening blisters and skin loss, and extreme pain that can’t be controlled with our best medicines. EB affects both genders and all ethnicities equally. It is not getting the attention it needs to find a full-body cure.
No Baby Blisters is the voice for over 500,000 worldwide suffering from EB
Help us rescue EB babies from the terrible pain and death caused by EB. Mutated genes cause the skin to blister off resulting in extreme pain, infection, scarring, amputations, and death. A full-body cure is urgently needed. *Pictured is No Baby Blisters' spokesperson Baby Mirachael
In EB's most severe form, many babies don't live beyond a year
Life expectancy for those who do live is often less than 30 years and filled with blistering, terrible pain, infections, scarring, itching, amputations, bullying, and catastrophic medical bills. *Pictured is No Baby Blisters' spokesperson Baby Nofer
Like a butterfly's wings, their skin is so fragile, a simple touch can cause severe pain. Hugs shouldn't hurt
Easily injured skin creates severe pain, blisters, infection, and scars. Forever bandaged, their skin is an inescapable cocoon separating them from their parents' loving hugs. *Pictured is No Baby Blisters' spokesperson Baby Ashley
Why hasn't this disease been cured?
Orphan diseases are conditions affecting fewer than 200,000 people nationwide, like EB, Cystic Fibrosis, Lou Gehrig's Disease, or Tourette Syndrome.* Cures for orphan diseases, like EB, have historically gone unfunded by big pharma and government.
Numerous type of creams to treat wounds are approved or being developed, but no true cure for the entire body. What you see on the skin is also happening on the inside. A full-body systemic cure is needed.
*National Institutes of Health
No Baby Blisters Offers great hope in its multimodal Fast Cure Plan
Our research team includes top doctors with patents in genetic skin therapy, pioneering researchers, scientific innovators, and FDA experts to create an affordable EB cure to end the pain and death.
Our Founder Dr. Aaron Tabor, MD and His Heartbreaking Discovery
Aaron Tabor, MD, Founder of No Baby Blisters, is an NIH-funded skin researcher. He is also the Founder and CEO of GENIE Therapeutics, a biotechnology company developing cures for skin scarring, pigmentation and wrinkles.
DIRTY BANDAGES: Thank God for your donations! Before your donations gave Lily clean bandages, her mom was sadly forced to reuse dirty, infected, and bloody bandages making Lily's severe pain, infections, and risk of death worse.
While developing my gene therapy drugs, I made a very upsetting and sad discovery. Right now, a massive crisis exists globally with thousands of rare disease children suffering in critical condition with zero help – sadly forgotten and medically neglected by other charities. They live in poverty in countries with zero chance of free healthcare.
You are their only hope to reduce their pain and to live. They are desperately fighting deadly rare diseases like EB (Epidermolysis bullosa) Blistering Skin Disease, brain, blood and skin cancers, and, brain-damaging Hydrocephalus and Cerebral Palsy.
I discovered that unfortunately no one is helping these forgotten and medically neglected children living in poverty, making their pain and suffering worse. They have no hope. I do not understand why the major charities have neglected these precious children, or why no one seems to care. Sadly, the parents are heartbroken and panicking in despair with nowhere to turn. In agony, many turn to begging. They need urgent emergency help and research for cures.
ANEMIA: Lily has painful blisters inside her mouth and digestive tract making it hard to absorb key nutrients. She suffers massive blood loss during bandage changes and has to receive frequent blood transfusions.
GREAT NEWS! You can save our innocent, forgotten and medically neglected children from miserable, painful daily lives by donating as little as $3 a month. Any amount makes a huge impact.
Our good-hearted, compassionate, and loving community of Monthly Donors are noble guardian angels of mercy for the forgotten, medically neglected children. Working together, we guard the lives of the sickest, most disadvantaged children in the world struggling in pain to stay alive.
We are committed to do everything possible to NEVER let them run out of severe pain medicine, life-saving surgeries, medical supplies and wound-healing food that reduce their pain, suffering, and death.
Because Lily's only hope is good-hearted Donors just like you, will you become Lily's 'Guardian Angel' right now to reduce her severe pain and help save her life by donating Monthly? If you are already a Monthly Donor, thank you.
Click to choose a Monthly donation plan to save Lily and so many others, and join more than 500,000 loving, compassionate Donors!
SEVERE BLISTERING: Lily's skin is so fragile that the slightest friction, heat or pressure can cause devastating blisters, skin loss, severe pain, and infections. She frequently has severe blistering on her face and forehead. Every EB child tends to have several problem areas. For Lily, it is her face and forehead.
Your life-saving donations are critical. Your donations literally saves lives because our children live in poverty in countries with zero chance of free healthcare – sadly forgotten and medically neglected by other charities.
Thank you for saving our sickest. We pray God blesses you for your compassionate and merciful heart to save Lily and others in severe pain.
If you have questions about how to help, we would love to hear from you at [email protected] today.
Best regards,
Dr. Aaron Tabor, MD, FOUNDER
No Baby Blisters Charity
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (MD Degree)
The Johns Hopkins Medical & Surgical Association
American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
American Medical Association
American Heart Association
American Diabetes Association
National Consortium of Breast Centers
North American Menopause Society
(Does not imply endorsement)
OUR MISSION: Our God-given Mission is to save the sickest, most medically neglected children suffering in severe pain with terminal diseases. Their lives depend on your loving compassionate donations.
We do everything possible to save babies from rare diseases, including EB babies suffering with blisters, skin loss, extreme pain, skin cancer, and death, and babies with devastating medical needs like Cancer, Hydrocephalus, and Cerebral Palsy.
Your donation saves the sickest babies.
Donations are tax-deductible in full or part.
No Baby Blisters is a US 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
EIN #82-2743807
No Baby Blisters
731 Chapel Hills Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Contact us:
[email protected]
Please text us or leave a message and we will text message you back by the next business day. For fastest service, please email us.
Our Fast Cure Plan
- Systemic research to treat the entire body, not just the skin. A full-body systemic cure is needed.
- Gene therapy that will override mutated skin gene proteins with healthy gene proteins to stop the blistering and skin cancer. Healthy genes produce healthy skin proteins needed to keep the skin from blistering off.
- Molecular research using affordable natural ingredients that can reduce inflammation, itching, and speed skin healing.
Other's studies have failed in critical ways
Our goal is to create an affordable, full-body systemic cure for our forgotten, medically neglected children. Most EB research done to date will end up costing way too much for all EB children around the world.
Because 500,000 people suffer with EB, any cure has to be affordable.
No Baby Blisters is committed to an innovative EB full-body systemic cure, and at an affordable price so no child is left medically neglected, suffering in pain and dying from blistering and infections – inside and outside.
What sets our Medical team and Fast Cure Plan apart from others' failures?
- Experts at performing meaningful studies that move towards affordable cures
- In-depth experience navigating FDA-approval pathways to market-ready treatments
- Affordable solutions so no child is left without pain relief and a chance for a full-body systemic cure
Our Challenge: An Affordable Fast Cure for EB babies suffering and dying
- Securing research donations for our Fast Cure Plan including a full-body systemic cure.
- Inviting family, friends, and colleagues to help
- Raising public awareness and social media support
How can we expedite the Cure to stop EB pain and death?
We must all partner together and join corporations, organizations, and other individuals who are able to donate research funds (every amount helps!) to our Fast Cure Plan to end this heart-wrenching disease. Will you join us? Can we count on you to help EB babies?
Will you help us save EB babies from terrible pain and death?
Your Donation Literally Saves Lives!
This is the leg of Baby John. Your tax-deductible donations sent him life-saving bandages and ointments to save his life until we can find a full-body cure for EB. Right now there is no full-body cure for EB, so Baby John is still fighting for his life in severe pain. Your donation today will accelerate our Fast Cure Plan research for this terrible disease. In the most severe cases, babies born with EB do not live to celebrate their first birthday. Together, we can change this. This difference in Baby John’s leg is dramatic — and we can do this more often and better with your help! Join us to find an EB full-body cure. And if you’ve ever wondered if your donation “makes a difference,” look at Baby John. It does!

Our babies have up to 80% skin loss and severe pain from EB Blistering Skin Disease. EB is deadly with no full-body cure. Your donations buy life-saving pain medicines and special bandages, so if God puts it on your heart to donate, the children and their families will be very grateful and blessed. Donations are tax-deductible. No Baby Blisters is a USA 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN #82-2743807.
You can stop their pain and save their lives by becoming a HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL! Read how to be a real-life Hero below.
💟 A very special thanks to our HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL team because your Monthly donations save our children from pain and death.
Ashley made a special Thank You video for you. She suffers with EB Blistering Skin Disease, the worst dermatology disease.
Joyce made a special Thank You video for you. She suffers with 80% skin loss.
YOUR INVITATION TO BECOME A HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL if you are not already a monthly Donor...
You have a heroic, immediate, life-saving impact by guarding over the lives of our sickest and dying children making sure they NEVER run out of pain medication, bandages, and antibiotics with a small monthly donation as little as $3 each month. You achieve victory after victory for our children with 80% skin loss. EB Blistering Skin Disease never quits hurting and trying to kill our children, so our HERO GUARDIAN ANGELS never quit!
Our Donors are the only ones helping our medically neglected children dying in severe pain. We deliver monthly funds directly to our children, so your donations are guaranteed to help stop pain and death.
See how your donations are literally life-saving with our latest child updates at
Your donations to No Baby Blisters are doing pain-stopping, life-saving work as documented in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) peer-reviewed medical literature database at the links below.
The peer-reviewed published papers specifically list No Baby Blisters charity doing work to reduce pain and save lives made possible only because of your donations!
If you are not already a monthly Donor, we invite you to achieve life-saving victories as part of our HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL exclusive team by donating as little as a small $3 per month. Click here to start stopping pain and saving lives today as a HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL. Simply select the "Custom Amount" option at the bottom of our donation form to choose the monthly amount that works best for you, or one of the pre-selected line-items.
Our Medical Experts, because of your heroic love and generosity, will ensure our sweet babies always immediately receive their monthly life-saving pain medications and innovative medical care and supplies.
GREAT NEWS! You can save our innocent, forgotten and medically neglected children, from miserable, painful daily lives by donating as little as $3 a month. Any amount makes a huge impact.
Our good-hearted, compassionate and loving community of monthly Donors, called our HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL team, believe we are noble guardian angels of mercy for the forgotten, medically neglected children. Working together, we guard the lives of the sickest, most disadvantaged children in the world, struggling in pain to stay alive.
We are committed to do everything possible to NEVER let them run out of severe pain medicine, life-saving surgeries, medical supplies and wound-healing food that reduce their pain and suffering.
Because our children's only hope is great-hearted Donors just like you, will you become their HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL right now to reduce their severe pain and help save their lives by donating monthly?
Click to choose a Monthly donation plan to save our babies from pain and death, and join more than 500,000 loving, compassionate Donors! If you are already a monthly Donor, we can't say thank you enough.

Our Logo's Meaning
The butterfly escaping its cocoon represents an EB full-body cure empowering EB babies to escape their bandages, pain and death to live normal healthy, happy lives.